Jesus in the OT (Tanakh)

Jesus, as Foretold in the Old Testament

The story of

Chapter Titles:

  1. In the Beginning
  2. Joseph, Servant of the Most High God
  3. Moses, the Man of Obedience
  4. The Tabernacle, Building a Relationship with Jesus
  5. The Festivals and Holy Days
  6. The Amazing Genealogy
  7. Jesus’ Life
  8. The Last Week
  9. The First and the Last
After writing my first book, The Wonder and Majesty of God’s Festivals and Holy Days, the Master Plan Revealed, the incredible types and foreshadows of Jesus from the Tanakh became so obvious, I knew I had to follow up with this. It is my earnest hope that everyone who reads it is inspired and uplifted by the magnificent plan of God.

Thomas Thorne

God’s Holy Days, as first taught in the Old Testament are subjects that have gone largely overlooked for many years. These special occasions have great meaning that few have understood. Every one of these celebrations point to Jesus.